Handling of appeals - EU-Cert - We Support Your Success with Compliance

Handling of appeals

  • The applicant has a right to appeal against a decision to issue a certificate (the appeal may concern the scope of the certification or the decision not to issue or to revoke the relevant certificate).
  • The submission, consideration and decision on appeals shall not result in any discriminatory action against the appellant.
  • Appeals must be submitted in writing within 30 days of the date that the decision was communicated.
  • The appeal should contain the name of the applicant or certificate holder together with the address and description of subject of the appeal together with the grounds.
  • EU-Cert shall acknowledge receipt of the appeal within 10 days of receipt, register the appeal and inform the appellant of the progress and outcome of the appeal.
  • Upon receipt of the appeal, EU-Cert shall verify whether the appeal relates to the certification activity for which it is responsible and, if so, it shall consider the appeal and collect the necessary information to make a decision on the appeal.
  • Appeals shall be handled in an impartial manner, the persons involved in the appeal process are not the ones who made the decision that is the subject of the appeal.
  • Upon completion of the appeal processing, within 30 days of receipt, Executive Director shall inform the appellant in writing of the completion of the appeal process and the outcome of the consideration. If the time limit for consideration of the appeal is extended, EU-Cert shall inform the appellant accordingly.