Application for management system certification - EU-Cert - We Support Your Success with Compliance

General information


Details and particulars of the applicant


Detailed information


Information on certification



Step z



Issue no. 2 2023-08-08

Dear Sirs,

Please fill out the form to prepare an offer for the certification of the management system. At the same time, we would like to inform you that the application does not constitute an order for the implementation of the service - the condition for the implementation of the service is the signing of a contract. The information contained in the application is treated as confidential.

The proposal concerns:

Audit criterion:

Name of Organisation:

Registered address:

Principal place of business:

* *

Telephone / e-mail:


Scope of certification (core processes) with PKD code:

Inne adresy/lokalizacje organizacji objęte zakresem certyfikacji (stałe i tymczasowe)*

Name of branch / location:

Branch/location address:

Scope of certification (if different from head office) including PKD

Employment status:

Number of shifts:

Does the Applicant Organisation carry out activities on another entity's premises?

Authorised contact person:

Struktura zatrudnienia:

Total staff numbers:

Number of staff in scope of certification (FTE, annual average)

Full-time staff

Subcontractors and contractual employees (contract of mandate, contract of specific work) per FTE, per year average for certification

Number of administrative staff performing similar simple tasks

Number of production workers performing similar simple tasks

Number of support staff performing similar simple tasks

Zmianowość (jeśli dotyczy):

Number of production shifts

Number of employees on first shift

Number of employees on second shift

Number of employees on third shift

Are the activities carried out on all shifts the same?

Is the supervision of Change II and III similar to Change I ?

Has the organisation identified requirements that are not applicable to ISO 9001?

* - completion of this field is optional

Podzlecane procesy, mające wpływ na spełnienie wymagań dotyczących realizowanych procesów

Subcontracted process

Estimated number of FTEs (annual average) needed to implement the process

Integracja systemów (w przypadku, jeśli więcej niż jedna norma jest kryterium auditu)

Czynniki dotyczące organizacji i jej sytemu zarządzania

Zwiększające czas auditu

W przypadku ISO 14001:

W przypadku ISO 45001:

Zmniejszające czas auditu:

* - completion of this field is optional

Posiadane certyfikaty systemu zarządzania

Name of the certification body:


Certificate number:

Expiry date:

Name of the certification body:


Certificate number:

Expiry date:

Informacje dodatkowe:

Has the organisation benefited from consultation in the implementation of the management system?

Applicable legal obligations

11. Other activities/information of the Applicant relating to the certification process, including those arising from the certification programme concerned

Informacje dotyczące systemu zarządzania BHP wg ISO 45001:

Key hazards and risks for OSH:

Key hazardous materials:

Legal obligations relating to health and safety:

Staff working outside the Organisation's premises:

Staff present during the so-called "peak season" (only applies to seasonal activities):

* - completion of this field is optional

Gotowość do certyfikacji

Date of system implementation:

Expected date of audit:


* - completion of this field is optional